
The start of a new year brings a sense of freshness and chance for New Beginnings.

As promised last week, I want to share my word that will help me thrive in 2025.

My top candidates for this year's word included: Gratitude, Purpose, Intention, and Discipline.

I chose Gratitude....

Then, during a training class only six days into the new year, we started talking about New Beginnings and helping our clients to set an intention to become an Explorer in *their* new beginning.

That's when revelation hit.

A resonant chord was struck. 💡

Bam! Boom! Bang!

My word for 2025 is EXPLORE!

This resonates deeply with where I am in life right now.

It feels right.

I want to step into and embrace my own New Beginnings. I want adventure, to cross into the unfamiliar and back again. I want to challenge myself to go beyond my comfort zone. I want to enjoy the journey!

Each year I am amazed at how the right word presents itself.


Recall that at this time of year, in addition to choosing my word, I also like to reflect on and share the song lyrics from "Everything is Possible Now" by Clouds and Thorns. As the new year gets rolling, these words seem particularly appropriate. This song's upbeat tempo feels good and the words energize my soul.

Everything IS possible now.


"As time rolls on, I won't let life leave me behind. I can see the future coming and man it's such a sight. But time will waste me if I don't stop wasting time.

Let's dream out loud. 'Cause all we know has been turned upside down. Everything is possible now."


What possibilities exist for you today, this week, this year?

Create your life.


What New Beginnings are you on the verge of exploring? Do you want help to identify YOUR one word that will enable you to Thrive in 2025? Send me a message! Everything is possible, all you need to do is ask!



Words Matter


Just One Word