Reimagine Retirement Quiz

Retirement isn’t an end - it’s a new beginning.

Are you ready for what's next?

The quiz below will help you determine your readiness for retirement, beyond the paycheck! These questions are designed not only to assess your readiness but also to raise awareness that retirement involves much more than financial planning. I invite you to imagine how you might reinvent yourself, find new purpose, establish meaningful routines, and nurture social connections - all key ingredients for a fulfilling retirement. That's what you want after all, am I right?!

This 20-item questionnaire uses a 1-5 scale. For each statement, rate your agreement (or preparedness) using the following scale: 1: Not at all; 2: Slightly; 3: Moderately; 4: Very; 5: Extremely

At the end, add up your scores to get an overall readiness score. A higher total indicates a greater readiness for the non-financial aspects of retirement.

Let's go!

Rate your agreement (or preparedness) on a 1–5 scale (1 = Not at all; 5 = Extremely):

1. I have a clear vision for what I want to accomplish in retirement. [_____]

2. I have a strong network of friends and family that supports me. [_____]

3. I am confident in my ability to create new, healthy habits outside of a traditional work schedule. [_____]

4. I believe having a structured day will help me stay engaged and productive. [_____]

5. I feel confident exploring new aspects of who I want to be in retirement. [_____]

6. I am ready to redefine success in terms of personal growth rather than career achievements. [_____]

7. I am committed to nurturing a supportive community as I transition into retirement. [_____]

8. I believe I can adapt to a new self-image after leaving the workforce. [_____]

9. I have strategies for balancing leisure with activities that keep me motivated. [_____]

10. I have a plan for establishing a daily routine after retirement. [_____]

11. I actively maintain social connections outside of my work environment. [_____]

12. I find fulfillment in pursuits that go beyond financial success. [_____]

13. I am comfortable defining myself outside of my career. [_____]

14. I have clear personal interests and passions that I look forward to exploring in retirement. [_____]

15. I believe that staying socially engaged is essential for my well-being. [_____]

16. I am prepared to embrace a flexible lifestyle without the routine of a job. [_____]

17. I plan to invest in building new relationships in retirement. [_____]

18. I have a strong sense of purpose that will guide me in retirement. [_____]

19. I have a strong sense of who I am beyond my professional role. [_____]

20. I am excited about the opportunity to pursue new hobbies and interests. [_____]

After rating the above questions, add your scores to generate an overall readiness score for retirement beyond the paycheck.

Scoring Your Readiness

  • Total Score Range: 20 (minimum) to 100 (maximum)

  • Interpretation:

    • Higher Score (e.g., 80-100): Indicates a strong readiness for the non-financial aspects of retirement.

    • Mid-Range Score (e.g., 50-79): Suggests there are areas to explore further to enhance your retirement readiness.

    • Lower Score (e.g., below 50): Signals that more reflection and planning may be beneficial before retirement.

Dare to reimagine your future!

If you want to explore your readiness score, let's chat about how you can write your next chapter and create the life you imagine!