Words Matter
Snoopy’s got it!
Language matters. The choices we make begin with our personal language.
There is power in how we talk to ourselves. A reframing of negative self-talk leads to an opportunity.
Consider these examples of negative self-talk and their corresponding opportunity:
👉 “I can’t” vs “I won’t” - I can't run a mile. I won't run a mile. (I choose not to run a mile.)
👉 "If only" vs "Next time" - If only I was stronger. Next time, I will build the strength I need.
👉 "It's terrible" vs "It's an experience" - Your dinner experiment is terrible. Your dinner experiment is an experience.
👉 "I should" vs "I could" - I should brush my hair. I could brush my hair (if I chose to brush my hair).
👉 "It's too difficult" vs "It takes time" - It's too difficult to learn a new skill. It takes time to learn a new skill.
What are some examples you have of negative self-talk and the corresponding opportunity?
How we say things, what we say, the words we use, it all matters.
Words especially matter when we're talking to ourselves.
We can choose the words we use.
We can choose a more positive perspective.
We can embrace Snoopy's mindset and choose to live every day.
Create your life.