Getting Outdoors

What's better?!

I LOVE getting outdoors, connecting with nature, and spending time with my family.

Last weekend, which was Father's Day in the US, my family and I enjoyed camping in a nearby State Park.

Camping was my selected activity to celebrate the privilege I have to serve my two children as their father.

It was certainly easier to make happen now that my kids are older and have fewer (?) activities pulling at their time (well, now they get to request time off).

Getting outdoors enabled us to:

👍 hike in the woods

👍 observe cicada's mating

👍 experience the anxiety of hearing nearby trees rub together in the wind while we tried to sleep (in a tent)

👍 sit by a campfire

👍 slow down life for a while

Granted, we did not necessarily have to travel to get all of these opportunities. Some present themselves at home or close to home.

And there is also something special about packing up the car and heading someplace with the people I love (and who love me).

I find so much goodness while getting outside with my family and appreciating trees and the rest of nature.

What do you enjoy?

Does it involve getting outdoors?

When is the next time you will do that thing?

I'm going to focus on getting outdoors again today and tomorrow and the next day, whether it's in the woods or a walk to the ice cream store.

Create your life.



Oh, Those Stars!


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