Are You In The Picture?
I heard a story recently.
A kid drew a family picture - and the father was not in it.
Fathers serve as providers and protectors.
We are considered strong, smart, and able to do stuff.
And yet it might be common for fathers, especially high achievers, to miss out on enough stuff with their clan that their kids don't really think of them as part of the family. They just are not around much.
As we come upon another celebration of Father's Day in the U.S., are you in the picture?
Whether in the picture or not, as fathers, we can all take a moment to reflect.
Do you want to better align your values and actions?
What about making more intentional choices and honoring what's truly important to you?
Would you benefit from giving yourself permission to say "no" and stepping back instead of doing more?
Do you want to focus more on being some body and less on achieving some thing?
Create your life.
P.S. If you want to:
👉 Lead a life that honors your personal values and gives you fulfillment
👉 Generate lasting new habits
👉 Obtain support, connection, and accountability
👉 Rediscover balance in your life
👉 Learn to live with more vibrancy, more choice, and more fulfillment
Then let's chat! Book time here: