Never Give Up

My daughter wants to take a summer class.

She needed to pass a placement exam before registering and just missed the cutoff score the first time she took it. (I can relate to that situation!)

She really wanted to take that class, so she studied and took the exam again.

This time, she passed and could register for the class!

She knew what she wanted and wasn't going to let a setback block her from her goal.

I was proud of her because she did not give up.

Getting back up after we fall can be hard.

And yet, life offers plenty of experiences when we get to try and try again.

Resilience. Persistence. Perhaps even stubbornness.

All traits that serve us well when we find ourselves in "learning moments" or situations when we must persevere in order to obtain what we seek.

If you face a setback along your journey, I invite you to never give up.

Draw upon those traits within you that help you to keep going and try again.

Create your life.



Focus on Your Choices


Natural Phenomenon - Pt 2