Natural Phenomenon - Pt 2

I had never seen one before!

After more than a half-century on this earth, I cannot recall ever seeing a full rainbow from one end to the other.

Bonus - there was a slight double rainbow, too!

Last week I shared about another natural phenomenon we experienced earlier in the same weekend, the Northern Lights.

During our return journey home, while driving down the expressway, the view below appeared out the driver's side car window.

Complete awe.

This full rainbow spanned miles. I needed the panoramic photo setting in order to capture the entire thing.

I found the color intensity as awe-inspiring as it's breadth. As we drove, I was aware of how the colors would change in intensity.

I also found it remarkable how much joy this brought to the ride home.

Such breathtaking natural beauty.


How much do we miss as we quickly drive through life?

How much do we notice when we look around, perhaps pause, and simply notice what's perhaps right next to us?

Maybe it's a bigger-than-life rainbow.

Maybe it's blooming flowers.

Or perhaps it's something you notice this time after passing by many times before.

Take a look around and observe.

Take it all in big and small.

Create your life.



Never Give Up


Natural Phenomenon