Spread Kindness

This world is messed up. And yet, there is also a lot of good in the world.

We can all help to make our world a good place or at least a better place. A kind place.

We can all spread kindness.

World Kindness Day is celebrated each year on November 13th.  Add it to your calendar!

Two of my favorite ways to infuse kindness into someone's day:

🙂 Smile

🚪 Hold the door open

A few additional ways to #inspirekindness:

❤️ Write a note and leave it for someone to find

❤️ Practice gratitude

❤️ Tell someone you love them

❤️ Give someone a hug

❤️ Buy coffee for a stranger

❤️ Help a classmate with their homework

There are SO many ways! How do YOU #spreadkindness? Do you have a favorite? Please share!

Create your world. Make it one based on kindness.

Create your life.

Be kind.



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