Schedule Self-Care
As you celebrate the holidays this time of year, and (hopefully) slow down a little, what are you doing for yourself?
Earlier this week, I completed my first strength training session in, um, much, much too long.
Today will be my second strength training session.
I'm taking next week off from work and look forward to:
👍 more strength workouts
👍 reading a book
👍 mediation time
👍 going for a walk (or three)
My goal is to put self-care into my schedule and want to use this holiday time to start some habits.
I'm starting with one small thing.
It will grow into another small thing.
Then perhaps another.
What I know, and have not always taken action to do, is that I need to care for myself before I can care for others.
Just like the airlines suggest, I need to put my mask on before putting a mask on others.
What are you doing to take care of yourself?
Create your life.