A Bit of Inspiration for VERVE

Are you looking for something that sparks your interest or ignites a fire in you? Perhaps an idea, a thought, or a book that fuels your passion?

I offer you a Bit of Inspiration. These “bits” are meaningful to me and people with whom I work. Perhaps something here will arouse you, motivate you to leap forward, or help you find your way.

Thursday Thoughts are thoughts I have about life’s blessings, challenges, and everything in between. Inspired by what I read, listen to, observe, or somehow experience. Published on Thursdays! (usually)

My Thursday Thoughts began as text messages to my family. I wanted to get my voice out into the world and they were “willing” participants. A friend said, “I want ‘my’ Thursday Thoughts, too!” and my mother (yay for our moms!) wanted to receive “hers” as well. When I launched my website, I expanded my “audience” by posting here and sending via email. Sign up to receive yours below!

Be Thankful
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Be Thankful

I am grateful for family and friends, health, smiles, laughter, sunshine, and family gatherings.

Take a moment today and reflect on those people and things for which you are grateful.

Maybe even take a gratitude walk, 5-10 minutes spent saying thanks for your blessings.

We have much for which to be thankful.

Create your life.

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Significance of Showing Up
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Significance of Showing Up

Have you ever discovered something in an unexpected way?



It happened to me this week. My heart filled (more like over-filled) with gratitude and honor when I discovered that a former basketball player at my alma mater personally named me to be invited to attend his upcoming "hall of fame" presentation and dinner reception. There is a large group attending a game and post-game reception in his honor. He included me in a small group getting together the evening before.

He played when I was a student manager over 30 years ago. I haven't seen him in 20-ish years.

His invitation to me says something about him as a man and fellow human being.

I am also realizing that I have been showing up and creating my legacy for a long time, like my entire life. Wow.

What I did and how I showed up is emerging all these years later. It's humbling to consider the "stickiness" we leave behind throughout life.

Deep, deep gratitude and LOTS of feels.

How do you choose to show up at work, at school, in life?

Have you uncovered the significance of showing up as your authentic self?

What legacy are you creating through the way you live each day?

Live in a way that honors your values.

Don't listen to your inner critic voices that say "it's not the right time" or "it's too late" or some such nonsense.

It is always the right time to live in a way that aligns with your values.

Make the choice today to start or continue what you've already begun.

Set goals aligned with who you aspire to become and how you want to show up in your world.

Lay the foundation. Build on the foundation that exists. You never know when the substance of your life will resurface.

Create your legacy.

Create your life.


Would you find benefit in exploring your values or discovering how to align them with your goals and building your foundation?

Schedule time for us to chat at https://markstaelgraeve.as.me/breakthrough.

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Spread Kindness
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Spread Kindness

This world is messed up. And yet, there is also a lot of good in the world.

We can all help to make our world a good place or at least a better place. A kind place.

We can all spread kindness.


World Kindness Day is celebrated each year on November 13th. #WorldKindnessDay 2021 is on a Saturday.


Two of my favorite ways to infuse kindness into someone's day:

🙂 Smile

🚪 Hold the door open


Other ways to #inspirekindness:

❤ Write a note and leave it for someone to find

❤ Practice gratitude

❤ Tell someone you love them

❤ Give someone a hug

❤ Buy coffee for a stranger

❤ Help a classmate with their homework


How do you #spreadkindness? Do you have a favorite? Please share in the comments!

Create your world. Make it one based on kindness.

Create your life.

Be kind.

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You’re Lost!
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

You’re Lost!

You lead a successful life. That is how it appears to others. Yet you feel you are failing on all fronts.

You're successful because you put your all into everything you do.

Do you have anything left to give?

If your family is like mine, y'all are addicted to food and shelter. Your family depends on you to support these addictions.

You're the provider.

While you have been providing for your family, you might feel that you have missed out on a lot in your family's life.

You may even begin to feel like you have lost a bit of yourself and are not sure how to get back to the core of who you really are.

It's okay to admit it, you're lost!

It's also okay to admit what you truly want and make intentional choices about where you direct your energy.

Stop holding yourself to the highest standards in everything you do.

Embrace the gray, that middle ground in between the high and low standards.

You will discover that there is LOTS of space for fulfillment in this middle ground.

You will discover that you can enjoy balance with your family and career.

You will discover verve, vitality, and vigor.

Create your life.


Do you want to explore how you might embrace the gray and rediscover balance?

Schedule time for us to chat at https://markstaelgraeve.as.me/breakthrough.

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Get Away!
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Get Away!

Do you need a break? Do you feel burned out? Sometimes we just gotta get away from it all.

I am fortunate to be able to get out of town two of the last three weekends. Once for a long weekend and once just for the day.

One of my top values is family.

You would not always know this is the case given my addiction to work.

These recent weekends away from home served to help me reconnect with what and who means the most to me.

My getaways helped me to

✔ reconnect with nature

✔ reaffirm my belief in God

✔ offer perspective

✔ spur creativity

How do you (re)connect with what's important to you?

You do not need to leave town, you can simply take a walk around the block or call a friend and get "lost" in good conversation.

Do you need to get away?

Create your life.


Do you seek support to connect with what and who is important to YOU?

Schedule time for your VERVE Breakthrough Session at https://markstaelgraeve.as.me/breakthrough.


Get Your Verve Back! Join me for a masterclass on November 3rd and the best 45 minutes you will spend all week.

Get your seat now at https://www.markstaelgraeve.com/get-your-verve-back

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Three C’s
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Three C’s

Compassion, care, and courage. Those are my three C's for leaders - whether you lead a team, a family, or your own life.

Compassion. Be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself. Do the same to others.

Show others that you care. Be caring to yourself, too.

Show courage when it's easy not to. Especially when it's easy not to.

Be a leader.

Create your life.

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Do Things Intentionally
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Do Things Intentionally

"Attention energizes. Intention transforms." - Deepak Chopra

Do you recognize when you are not being intentional with your choices? We have a lot going on. We're busy people. It can be easy to get lazy and let things happen "to" us. It can be easy to play the victim.

What if you made a choice to do things intentionally?

For example, how do your values help your reach your goals?

What if you identify your values and then set goals that align with those values? Put structure into your life to "be" your values. Intentionally decide how to put your values into action. Decide how you will live your values.

The choices we make end up making us.

Make intentional choices about where you spend your time and energy.

Do this and witness more verve, vitality, vigor, and vibrancy in your life!

When you do things intentionally, you will

create your life.


Do you want more verve, vitality, vigor, and vibrancy in your life?

Schedule your VERVE Breakthrough Session at https://markstaelgraeve.as.me/breakthrough.

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Believe in Yourself
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Believe in Yourself

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you are right." ~ Henry Ford

Your attitude determines your success or failure.

Tell yourself you can do it, you will.

Tell yourself you can't or you won't and you won't.

Either way, you make a choice.

Choose to stay positive.

Your subconscious brain will listen to what you tell it, so use positive self talk.

Believe in yourself.

Give yourself a chance to be great!

Create your life.


Do you want someone to encourage you to identify and make intentional choices? To help expose your greatness?

Schedule time for us to chat at https://markstaelgraeve.as.me/breakthrough.

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Stretch Me Thin
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Stretch Me Thin

Holy crap! That was my reaction when I realized I completely forgot about an evening meeting with a colleague this week.

Sure, I had my reasons. They all pointed to pretty much the same guilty party: Me.

I have too much going on.

I am stretched waaaaay too thin.

The "good" thing is that I recognize the pattern and know how to break the cycle.

I periodically, like so many other high-achievers, try to do more until I have nothing left to give.

Yesterday I even "gave up" my voice (okay, "lost" it, whatever).

Have you ever been here?

The pace is not sustainable. It is time to let go of things. It is time to reclaim some of what was lost.

Start by exploring what you truly want

Then make intentional choices about where you spend your time and energy.

Lower your standards just a smidge.

Rediscover balance.

Create your life.


Do you want to kick around how you might break the cycle, let go of things, and reclaim what you lost? Do you want to reclaim balance?

Schedule time for us to chat at https://markstaelgraeve.as.me/breakthrough.

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Changes Are Coming
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Changes Are Coming

In the Northern Hemisphere, the calendar says we are officially in Autumn. Hours of daylight will continue to grow shorter.

Changes are coming.

Notice the changes as nature prepares for winter: birds fly south, temperatures get cooler, leaves change colors, animals’ coats thicken, and we have less daylight.

As many of us experience a seasonal change, it's a natural time to reflect.

What changes are coming?

How are you preparing for the next season?

What do you want for yourself for the rest of 2021?

Identify something you want and go for it!

You still have time.

It doesn't have to be perfect.

Avoid the doom and gloom.

Stay focused.

Stay positive.

Create your life.

Do you want a support preparing for what’s next or what remains of 2021?

Schedule time for us to chat at https://markstaelgraeve.as.me/breakthrough.

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Get Present
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Get Present

Need to get into a groove? Need to be more present for something? Try this 30 second activity.

Put everything down.

Close your eyes, feel your feet touching the floor, feel contact with the chair.

Take a deep breath in and then slowly exhale.

Notice your breathing. ----

Take another deep breath in and again slowly let it release.

Put attention on your shoulders. What do you notice there in your shoulders?

Let go of any judgement you might have about "geez, my shoulders are so tight" or whatever.

Welcome whatever is present.

Just notice. ----

One more time, take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Now let your eyelids just drift open and notice what's different.

Can you feel how you are just a little more "in" the present moment?

Create your life.

Do you want a partner to help you get present or learn how to pause when the world keeps spinning uncontrollably?

Schedule time for us to chat at https://markstaelgraeve.as.me/breakthrough.

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Choose to Smile 🙂
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Choose to Smile 🙂

We make SO many choices in life and certainly each day. Sometimes the choices are hard and sometimes not as much.

Of all the choices we can and do make, there is one that can brighten your day and the day of those around you.

A simple gesture really.

It's a choice.

Be your own internal beacon of light.

Be a beacon for those around you.

Choose to smile.

Create your life.


Do you want to create a life that helps make you smile?

Schedule time for us to chat at https://markstaelgraeve.as.me/breakthrough.

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Embrace the Gray
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Embrace the Gray

You put your all into everything you do. Now there just isn't any more of you to give.

You tried to do more of the things that bring you satisfaction. Maybe you took up a hobby or started to coach little league.  You spent more time with family and friends.

Instead of more satisfaction, you got more on your plate.

You might even begin to feel like you've lost a bit of yourself.

In between doing nothing and doing everything, there is lots of gray.

Gray that might include exploring what you truly want.

Gray that might include making intentional choices about where to direct your energy.

Gray that might include acceptance of yourself the way you are (which is pretty darn great!).

Embrace the gray.

Do less instead of more.

Lead a life that honors your personal values and gives you fulfillment.

Rediscover balance.

Create your life.

Do you want support in embracing the gray? Schedule time for us to chat at https://markstaelgraeve.as.me/breakthrough.

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Take Action
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Take Action

"A dream is only impossible if all you do about it is dream." ~ Lou Holtz

This quote from former Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz always reminds me that we need to take action to realize our dreams.

What is your dream?

What small step do you need to take that gets you moving toward your dream?

Take action.

After the first small step, identify and take another step.

Then another and another.

Eventually, you'll realize your dream.

Then it will be time to dream up another one.

Create your life.

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Slow Down
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Slow Down

Life moves fast. Every day, go, go, go! Hustling from meeting to meeting, rushing to the store, scurrying around from here to there and back again, dropping kids off at school, picking them up again, going to kid's baseball or soccer practice. We're all so busy doing things.

This week it struck me (again) how quickly everyone wants to get somewhere or do something.

What happens when you slow down?

For me, I observe the craziness around me. I appreciate green grass and well-manicured landscaping. I view one tree that is taller than another. I notice someone's smile. I listen to the sounds. I behold the good that exists.

What if you slowed down? What might you notice? What might you appreciate in a different way?

Take a breath. 

Slow down.

Appreciate what's around you.

Feel more energized.

Create your life.

Do you want someone to help you apply the brake? Schedule time for us to chat at https://markstaelgraeve.as.me/breakthrough.

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