A Bit of Inspiration for VERVE

Are you looking for something that sparks your interest or ignites a fire in you? Perhaps an idea, a thought, or a book that fuels your passion?

I offer you a Bit of Inspiration. These “bits” are meaningful to me and people with whom I work. Perhaps something here will arouse you, motivate you to leap forward, or help you find your way.

Thursday Thoughts are thoughts I have about life’s blessings, challenges, and everything in between. Inspired by what I read, listen to, observe, or somehow experience. Published on Thursdays! (usually)

My Thursday Thoughts began as text messages to my family. I wanted to get my voice out into the world and they were “willing” participants. A friend said, “I want ‘my’ Thursday Thoughts, too!” and my mother (yay for our moms!) wanted to receive “hers” as well. When I launched my website, I expanded my “audience” by posting here and sending via email. Sign up to receive yours below!

Your Role
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Your Role

"No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. But normally he doesn't know it." 

-- The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho

What is your role in this world? How are you making a difference?

Create your life.

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Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve


I find inspiration in a good book, fiction and non-fiction.

I find inspiration in a quote or a podcast.

I find inspiration in those closest to me - my wife, son, and daughter.

I find inspiration in the hope shown by other people.

Where do you find inspiration? What or who moves you to do something or take action?

Create your life.

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Start with Gratitude
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Start with Gratitude

I have much for which to be thankful! Even while spending my days at home, I find gratitude for my life, my health, my wife, my son, my daughter, my friends, flowers beginning to bloom, rain, sunshine, being able to go outside for a walk, having food to eat, ice cream, and so much more.

For what are you grateful? We wrestle with challenges, loss, and pain almost every day. What possibilities arise when you start with gratitude?

Create your life.

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Become Who You Want To Be
Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve Thursday Thoughts Mark Staelgraeve

Become Who You Want To Be

I have come to realize that no matter where you are on life’s journey, how young you are or how old you are, we all have the ability to choose who we want to become and the time to start is always right now. 

Especially right now.

Choose today who you want to be tomorrow. We always have a choice. 

Who do you want to become? Become who you want to be.

You can...

Create your life.

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