Need vs Want

Oh, those four-letter words!

How often do you find yourself saying "I need to . . . ." in the course of a day?

Where does that come from?

Similar to saying "I should . . .", I propose that when we say "I need" we are expressing either a voice inside our head or a voice from others.

Rarely is it the voice of our inner authority and strength.

I also propose that this is the language of a victim. A "need" is something that's happening "to" us, something over which we do not have control.

Notice when you use that four-letter word, need.

When it shows up (you know it will and does!), I encourage you to use a different four-letter word, want. 💡

I want.

What do you notice when you replace need with want?

How does that feel in your core?

I've noticed my bias recently, especially with my coaching clients, toward conversations about using "want" more often instead of "need."

Want indicates your intention.

Want signifies your choice.

Want commits you to action.

Want is the language of empowerment. 💪

I invite you to want more.

Create your life.



Five Years Old

