Positive Fuel
I recently saw Andy Grammer perform live.
He is such a fantastic performer!
His ability to entertain provides enthusiastic energy for watchers and listeners.
Watching him live - and preparing for the experience - I became even more aware of the messages he conveys through his music.
Every. Single. Song.
"Now there is a dream that I was sold
Just get all you can before you get old
So I bought it all and took out a loan
But now that I'm here, I got nothing to show
I don't wanna be 85, singing
'Oh, no, I think I missed it, I was chasing money'
I don't wanna be 85, singing
'Oh, no, I got a big house, but my heart is ugly'"
-from "85" by Andy Grammer
"I want to be someone who's not swayed by opinions
Be me authentically without the apologies
And want my heart to soar without being insecure
And point out what's wrong with me
'Cause sometimes subconsciously
Yeah, I can be mean in my mind
Beat myself up all the time with awful thoughts
And I can eat myself alive
I'm gonna try, it's gonna be an awkward talk, but
I love you, I don't say it enough
I love who you are, who you've become
Don't know why I cannot hear it
'Less it comes from someone else
But I'ma find a way to finally feel it
When I say it to myself"
-from "Love Myself" by Andy Grammer
"Pressure pushed me to the edge, she worked me to the bone
And jealousy, she lied to me, said I needed things I don't
Shame, she had a way to make me hate myself inside
But I found joy in my life"
-from "Joy" by Andy Grammer
His mostly upbeat tempos and catchy riffs certainly help with my enjoyment. I ended the concert night with a newfound respect for his story-telling and ability to provide me with positive fuel to inspire me and carry into my life.
The above lyrics inspire me to:
👍 see the bigger picture and stop chasing money (I bought the dream, too)
👍 stop beating myself up and choose to love myself more (as a recovering perfectionist, this is HARD)
👍 look for more joy in my life (it's there for the finding)
Where do you find positive fuel?
Is it music? Books? Nature? Meditation? Prayer?
Use that positive fuel to inspire, to identify what you want, to take your next step forward, to consider your next action.
It's hard sometimes. You gotta keep your head up. (Thanks, Andy!)
Provide positive fuel for your brain.
Create your life.