
Two weeks ago, I shared thoughts about stubbing our toes.

What happens after we stub our toe?

What comes next might require forgiveness, especially forgiveness of self.

A couple of nights ago, I stubbed my toe. Big time.

My negative ego took a huge leap out of the shadows and showed up in all of its ugliness.


Not the first time I've seen the ugly side. I'm grateful this hadn't happened in a while.

When emotions settled down, I felt horrified that it's ugliness appeared so strongly.

There was yelling.

There were tears.

I can come up with all sorts of reasons "why" and they don't change the fact that it happened.

I stumbled.

It was ugly.

I had to first forgive myself. I chose to give myself grace, knowing this is not who I am nor want to be.

Next, I had to seek forgiveness of others impacted by my behavior.

In the aftermath of stubbing our toes, the path forward may likely include forgiveness.

If you've done wrong, make it right.

Be kind to yourself.

Be kind to others.

Create your life.



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