Life’s What You Make It

What did you concoct during the last 12 months?

As the year winds down, consider taking a few moments to reflect.

What have you created this year?


Please allow me to share some of what my #creativity included:

🎡 Investing in myself and beginning to go to the fitness center an average of four days a week

🎡 Cooking new dinner recipes and preparing food in different ways

🎡 Earning by ICF PCC coaching credential (500+ coaching hours)

🎡 Sharing #gratitude with my wife at the end of each day

🎡 Posting a sign on my desk when in the office that includes my name, asks who they are, and suggests a conversation starter card if they have time

🎡 Continuing to write #ThursdayThoughts every week (this is #243)

This "year in review" always reminds me that life's what you make it.

Check out these lyrics sung by Graham Colton:


"You can test the water, You might as well jump in.

And we don't know where we'll end up, So you might as well begin.

Memories you're making, You frame inside in your heart.

In the middle of a nowhere, Is a somewhere you can start.

So go and write your song, The world will sing along.

Oh a-oh a-oh, Life's what you make it.

Oh a-oh a-oh, It's yours for the taking.”


What are you making with your life?

Are you living a life that aligns with your values and gives you fulfillment?

Do you make intentional choices about where to spend your time and energy?

What does your life balance look and feel like?


Perhaps more important than looking back is to look toward the next 12 months.

What song are you writing?

What are you ready to start?

Create your life.



Just One Word


I Appreciate You