What’s Really Important
When you take action, do you consider what's really important to you? Consider what really matters?
An extended family member injured themselves earlier this week and required surgery the next day.
This disrupted my household as we scrambled to be with the injured person and also get everyone in my immediate family where they needed to go.
In the process, I had a choice to make - visit the family member and provide support in the middle of the day or stay home and work.
I chose family.
As I drove to the hospital, I recognized that my decision was firmly rooted in what's really important to me.
Family is one of my top values and way more important than work.
Work will always be there. If not the current job then another one.
I have only one family.
They are what's really important.
I didn't always behave this way.
More times than I would like to admit, my career and work in general has taken first place.
My career received most and sometimes all of my attention.
With a bit of personal growth over the years, I'm getting better at aligning my choices with my values.
It's intentional and gets hard sometimes because I need to unwind what's been a standard mode of operation for a long time.
What about you?
Do you consider your values and align your actions accordingly?
Aligning your values with your actions (and goals!) sets an example for others to follow and provides you with more fulfillment.
If you're like me, it's a lifelong journey and one that's worth traveling.
Create your life.