What structures do you integrate into the bustle of your day?
Nope, not the structure that provides us with shelter or the kind we might shop in or visit for work.
I'm talking about mechanisms we might use to achieve something or be someone. Reminders of sorts.
You know about the "tie a string around your finger" method for remembering something.
That's a structure. Perhaps less effective than other options. Still a structure.
Do you have sticky notes on your monitor?
Background image of your family on your phone? Screen saver on your computer? Quotes on your refrigerator door? Device alerts to get up and move?
Sometimes these methods stop serving us because they blend into our environment. After a period of time, we may begin to gloss over them. No longer reminders, their purpose fades.
If, or when, you become aware of this happening, consider an adjustment.
You can easily move sticky notes and put them in different locations.
You can also replace images and quotes with another meaningful something.
When you make an adjustment, you get at least two benefits.
First, you're reminded of the purpose for the structure in the first place.
Second, the structure gets to do its job again and move you toward doing something or being someone.
You don't have any structures? That's okay!
What if you take a minute to create one now?
What's important to you? What habit do you want to develop? Put it on a sticky note and place it somewhere you will see frequently. Monitors, mirrors, doors, walls - they all work well.
Check in with yourself after a few weeks to see if the structure still works. If not, make an adjustment.
Don't forget to be kind to yourself when you recognize you might not (yet) do or be who you want. Exercise patience and give it time.
Create a structure.
Create your life.